Everything has a shelf life, even a twinkie.
Cupboards and freezers have limited space.
And my brain does not do well under too much stuff.
The cupboards are too full, the freezer is too full and my pockets are close to empty.
I as a woman love to shop.
I love to spend.
I love pretty things.
But the economy is much different now.
This would be a really good time to get creative with my time and energy.
I have found that when times are frugal I do my best work.
I cook more, I clean more, I organize my life, I take more walks.
This morning I tried to organize my freezer and had no idea what some things were.
I did find beautiful blackberries that I had frozen a few months ago.
And there was sugar in the cupboard and sugar always makes me feel happy, so obviously God is speaking to me. He has guided me to blackberries and sugar and he wants me to be happy.
I can not argue with God.
Remember, God made sugar cane, the devil made fat cells.
I suppose a casserole surprise may come out of this reorganization project also, I am just not feeling quite as guided by God's hand with this thought though.
Crisps are great with their crunchy sweet buttery topping. They are quick and simple and almost any fruit normally used in pies will work perfectly. There is no rolling and no bottom crust. 40 minutes max prep and bake. Gotta love that. And all of these items are in the kitchens of any real cook or baker. Pantry cooking at its best.
30-40 min
375 degrees
Serves 6-8
2/3 c flour
2/3 c brown sugar
1 T cinnamon
2/3 c oats
1/2 butter, cold and diced
1/2 sugar
2 T flour
6 c blackberries, fresh or frozen
2 T fresh lemon juice
Topping Instructions
In a food processor, blend flour and brown sugar.
Add oats and diced butter blending briefly, until you have a coarse mix.
Set aside.
Berry Instructions
In a small bowl, mix sugar and flour.
In a large bowl, toss berries with lemon juice.
Add sugar mixture mixture stirring gently.
Butter an 8 cup shallow baking pan, pour berries and excess sugar into, then topping over berries (you can actually use more topping in a baking pan).
If you are making individual servings then follow the same directions, dividing berries, sugar and topping evenly.
Set baking pan or ramekins on a baking sheet to catch the drips.
Bake 30-40 minutes at 375 degrees, until top is brown, crispy and bubbling. The last third of baking I take a fork and sort of break up the crumble topping a bit.
Cool 20-30 minutes.
Serve with vanilla ice cream or very lightly sweetened fresh whipped cream.
You may need to adjust the amount of sugar used with the blackberries depending on how sweet or tart they are.
It is easiest to spoon topping onto ramekins if you are using them over the bowl of topping, that way what falls off just goes back into the bowl and can be used, instead of on the floor or counter.