Friday, July 12, 2013

Faith, Hope and Love....A very blessed birthday

Today is my sons birthday.
Shea is 33.
He is also my oldest child.
And the one who taught me love.

I never thought about having children.
I was never really around them.
Being raised as an only child you play by yourself a lot.
At 22 I found out I was pregnant.
God decided for me that I would be a mother.
God always knows best.

My son was born at 32 weeks.
He was so tiny I cried.
3 pounds 8 ounces.
God is always by our side.

It is amazing how deeply you fall in love with a child.
You look at them and your heart actually feels like it is melting.
Shea became my whole world, my reason for each day.
He changed who I was as a person.
Nothing was about me anymore.
Everything was about him from the moment he was born.

I loved how much joy this little boy brought to my life.
I needed joy.
We played for hours and hours.
Shea was a total boy.
He loved balls and had a probably 25 or so.
He mostly loved to throw them over the short fence.
And then he would come get me to go around the house into the orchard and throw them all back.
Then we would start the game all over.
I miss that time so much.

A mother never stops loving her children.
We cradle them in our hearts.
We pray.
We trust in God.

I wish I could have been the perfect mother, I wish I had made all the right decisions, I wish I could go back in time.
But I look at my son today, the struggles he has overcome, the lessons he has learned, the changes he has made and is making, the man he is turning into, and I am so very proud of him.

Some people say 'everything happens for a reason'.
That doesn't make any sense to me.
We have free will.
God has mercy, forgiveness and blessings.
Shea has taught me 'Faith, Hope and Love'.
All three are true.
I love you Shea, more than you will ever know.
Happy Birthday!
I hope it is full of sunshine, laughter, joy, hope, and most of all peace.


Anonymous said...

Very well written.
Would that our children felt as strongly about those who gave them life, love, and support over a lifetime - parents who denied themselves, offered the wisdom of experience and age, the warmth and touchstone of family. But, alas, there are but few who recognize or exercise the love and gratitude due.
God bless my mother and father - they were not perfect but they were the very best friends I ever had or ever shall. If, in the end, maturity finally replaces the self righteousness of naivete, a haunting question for reflecting offspring will remain - why did I not honor, respect, and love them more? My best friends are gone now and I miss them so.

Amber said...

In response to the comment....It seems it is sort of the circle of life regarding the parent/child appreciation roles. I would give my life for my children, yet I would never expect the same of them. I will love them with my entire heart and soul no matter what and they will feel the same about their own children one day. I will offer wisdom while they are in my home, yet almost always bite my tongue as they walk their own path. I pray for them daily. I for one count myself as blessed to have been given this opportunity to be a mommy and love 3 children so deeply.